Terms & Conditions

  • Places are only confirmed on receipt of fees no more than 48hrs after booking your chosen class. After 48hrs places will be released. You can pay via bank transfer to (insert account name and bank details) to avoid paying the site booking fee.
  • All classes will run in accordance to the latest Government or venue COVID guidelines.
  • For hygiene and allergy reasons food cannot be given to children in class. However babies can be fed if needed.
  • To ensure that you and your child aren’t distracted by your phone, please keep theuse of phones to a minimum as it is important to fully supervise your child at alltimes. Please keep videoing and taking of photos brief and ensure it is only your child being captured on film.
  • If you miss your usual class one week please contact your class leader as they may be able to offer you a 'catch up session' on another day.
  • Refunds can only be given at the discretion of the class leader.